Cloud Email/Exchange
Hosted Email – Exchange – Save Time, Save Money, Get all the Benefits!

Cloud, Cloud, Cloud. It’s all the rage – but what does that mean?
Moving your email to the cloud, in its very basic form, is simply moving your email to the internet.
Yes, there are a ton of online email services out there (gmail, yahoo, etc), and they’re free! But, this is not your average free email. This is business class cloud accessible, device independent, highly secure, continually backed up, high availability, totally awesome email.
We manage your Exchange Hosting, in the cloud, so you no longer need to have a corporate mail server – saving you a ton of money.
Sanket India saves you money on your total email solution by migrating your email solution to the cloud. As long as you have a device with an internet connection, you have full access to your email, contacts, and calendar are always available.

Your business gains all the benefits of a complete Microsoft Exchange Email Service, for use with Outlook and anywhere Web Access, and Mobile Device Integration, without the expense of purchasing and supporting an Exchange Mail Server.
On top of all the benefits of Outlook, like shared folders and shared calendars, you also get the most powerful virus and spam filter service available.
Saving thousands by not having to buy and support your own mail servers is just the tip of the iceberg. Sanket India has partnered with a world-renowned Hosted Exchange provider, which enables you to benefit from 24/7/365 monitoring, reporting, alerting, failover redundancy, and superior up-time results.